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5 most common webshop issues

In ecommerce, there’s nothing like the thrill of seeing orders roll in. 

On the other hand, there’s the constant battle to keep everything running well. 

If your webshop isn’t performing as well as you’d like, it might be because of a few common issues that are too easy to overlook. 

So, what might be holding your online store back? What are the most common webshop issues?

Slow loading pages

Page speed is not the most glamorous aspect of your website, but it’s one of the most important. You’ve heard that already a few times. We live in an age where people expect things instantly. It’s the world we all live in. Accept it or miss out.

The good news is there are ways to speed things up. 

Start by looking at the images on your site. Large, high-resolution images can be a major culprit in slowing load times. Compressing these images without losing quality can make a big difference.

But this doesn’t stop there. Every element on your page adds to your load time. Audit your site and remove anything unnecessary. You aim to create a pleasant experience that loads quickly and keeps visitors engaged.

Complicated checkout process

You’ve worked hard to attract visitors to your site and even harder to get them to add items to their carts. 

But if your checkout process is too complicated, you might lose them at the final step. This is one of the most common issues in webshops: too many steps, unnecessary form fields, and a lack of payment options can all contribute to cart abandonment.

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So, simplifying your checkout process can lead to more completed purchases. 

Start by reducing the number of steps. Do customers really need to fill out a long form or create an account to buy from you? Offering a guest checkout option is useful, allowing people to complete their purchases quickly.

Another point to consider is the payment methods you offer. In today’s world, customers expect options. Whether it’s credit cards, PayPal, or Apple Pay, the more choices you provide, the better. Make sure the payment process is straightforward and secure – displaying trust badges and using SSL encryption can reassure customers that their information is safe.

Poor mobile optimization

We all know how important mobile shopping has become. With more people using their phones to browse and shop, your webshop must offer a unique mobile experience. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you’re probably missing out on many sales.

Mobile optimization goes beyond just making your site look good on smaller screens. It’s about creating an experience that feels as intuitive as a desktop. This means everything from the navigation menu to the checkout process needs to be easy to use on a mobile device.

So start by ensuring your site has a responsive design, meaning it automatically adjusts to fit the screen size it’s being viewed on. But also consider how users interact with your site on mobile. Are the buttons large enough to tap easily? Is the navigation menu simple to access? Are product images and descriptions easy to view without zooming in? These small details can make a big difference!.

Unclear shipping information

Shipping information is often the dealbreaker in online shopping. Customers want to know upfront how much it will cost and how long it will take. If this information isn’t easy to find, they might abandon their cart and move on to a competitor’s site.

Your shipping costs, delivery times, and return policies must be clearly displayed on product pages and checkout. Free shipping can be a great incentive, but if that’s not possible, consider offering it on orders over a certain amount.

How can we help?

If you’re facing these common webshop issues, you don’t have to deal with them alone. We specialize in helping ecommerce businesses like yours optimize their websites for better performance, higher sales, and happier customers

Let’s talk about how we can help you take your online store to the next level 👉 contact us.

Most common webshop issues – can you solve them?

Running an ecommerce business comes with its challenges, but most common webshop issues mentioned above can be solved with the right approach. By addressing issues like slow loading times, a complicated checkout process, poor mobile optimization, limited payment options, and unclear shipping information, you can create a shopping experience that keeps customers coming back. Take a close look at your webshop today – what changes can you make to ensure your site is performing at its best?

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