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Black Friday ecommerce trends you MUST know in 2024

Black Friday has always been the biggest shopping event of the year, but 2024 is shaping to be something special. 

If you’re running an online store (this blog post is for you and all ecommerce people) and want to take your piece of the Black Friday ecommerce success cake, you can’t afford to ignore what’s coming. 

Let’s see what you need to know to crush it this year!

Personalization – no longer optional

Gone are the days when sending out the same deal to everyone on your email list worked. In 2024, customers expect a shopping experience that feels made for them only. It’s no longer just a nice-to-have. Your customers expect it.

I know, you can’t do it for each customer, but there are ways to make it sound, look and feel more personalized.

Mobile shopping is dominating

If your ecommerce site isn’t optimized for mobile, you might as well close up shop for Black Friday. 

Jokes aside, in 2024, mobile shopping is a preferred way to shop.

Keep in mind:

  • Mobile shoppers are impatient. If your site doesn’t load quickly, they will bounce and head to a competitor. Make sure your site is lightning-fast and easy to navigate on a small screen. Google even considers page speed for rankings, so it’s a win-win to prioritize this.
  • Nobody wants to fumble through a lengthy checkout process on their phone. The simpler, the better. If you haven’t implemented a one-click checkout option, now’s the time.

At this time of the year, keeping your webshop on top of the performance is super important. Avoid these red flags, and you’ll be good to go.

Sustainability as a selling point

More than ever, consumers care about where their products come from and how they’re made. This Black Friday, shoppers will be looking for deals, but they’re also looking at your brand values.

In 2024, customers are increasingly aware of waste, especially during the holiday season when packaging can pile up. Offering eco-friendly packaging options is good for the planet and business. 

Many consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainably packaged products. Did you notice that?

Another important thing: transparency about where your products come from and how they’re made can set you apart from competitors. If your products are sustainably or ethically sourced, make sure that’s front and center in your marketing.

Video marketing won’t go away any time soon

In 2024, if you’re not using video to promote your Black Friday deals, you’re missing out! Video content is engaging, shareable, and gives customers a closer look at what you’re offering.

For example, a short video showing how your product works can differentiate between a customer clicking “add to cart” or moving to another site. It’s a chance to highlight features that might not appear in photos or text.

Think about early access deals

Shoppers (and brands) are starting earlier every year, and in 2024, the early bird gets the deal. Offering early access to Black Friday deals to your most loyal customers can create a sense of exclusivity and reward repeat business.

If you haven’t already, consider creating a VIP list where members get early access to deals. It’s a great way to build loyalty and ensure your biggest fans are first in line. Launch some of your deals before Black Friday to capture shoppers who don’t want to wait. It also helps spread out the rush so your site isn’t overwhelmed on the big day.

We’re preparing a massive guide about this that will help you. COMING SOON

Black Friday ecommerce – final thoughts

Black Friday 2024 – don’t just hope for the best. Understand what your customers want, meet them where they are, and offer a shopping experience that feels personal, convenient, and aligned with their values.

It sounds easy, but it’s not. Contact us, and we will help you prepare.

Prepare well, and you’ll be on your way to a successful Black Friday ecommerce season.

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