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Developing an API for NASA
Although the amount and diversity of data available on the internet are immense, it’s often delivered in formats that are either impractical for use in applications, or completely foreign to partic…

My Top 10 Useful Links for iOS Development
We are starting a series of posts where #ByteoutPeople will share their favorite links and resources that they keep returning to while working.

Publishing on the App Store – Our Top 3 Mistakes
In case you ever wondered what it takes to develop an iOS application and publish it on the App Store, you can find some answers in this text. I am going to describe our process and what we learned…

Localizing Your Apps – Things That No One Tells You
Localizing an app is advised by Apple. By doing it, you could reach potential users who don’t speak your (app’s) language. But, what does it really take to translate an app?

Making of Early – Getting Started with Siri Shortcuts
WWDC 2018: Siri Shortcuts are a powerful new feature in iOS 12 that allow your app to expose its functionalities to Siri. This enables Siri to suggest your shortcut at relevant times based on vario…

Making of Early – Circles Layout
Continuing on the subject of the custom layouts, in this post I will explain how we arranged circular alarms on the main screen of Early Game Alarm by using UICollectionView and subclassing UIColle…

NASA Space Apps Challenge Powered by Byteout
NASA Space Apps Challenge hakaton u Beogradu, 20. i 21. oktobra 2018, u Startit Centru.

Making of Early – Paging Layout
Since the new version of Early Game Alarm recently came out, we decided to share some of our experiences in building it and things we learned along the way. This post tackles the subject of custom …

Early Game Alarm – Before and After Series
This is a story about one tiny but very important screen which stood up to iOS’s third-party application restrictions.